Hiring A New Manager? Here’s The Must-Have Qualities To Look For

Hiring A New Manager? Here’s The Must-Have Qualities To Look For

by Shae H

Hiring a new manager can mean wonders for the growth of your business. It can even be instrumental to a business’ survival during a rough patch. But it should also be noted that a business’ operations depend on the skills, qualities, accomplishments, and performance of the manager.

This makes it even more important for managers to have the right qualities for the job post that they’re taking. This makes it even more necessary for them to acquire the right skillset and background to perform the job. If you’re planning to hire a new manager, here’s a list of the qualities that you should look for:

Educational Background

People don’t need to be the summa cum laude of their class go be a good manager. It helps if they enrolled in a quality business management school, but it’s not everything. The manager candidates have to showcase their skills after graduating from the school. This is why it’s important to see both the educational background of the candidate and how they’re able to translate their education into their work. You’re unlikely to be seeing fresh graduates among your applicants, so should always be able to see how their educational background was applied toward previous work experiences.


It’s rare for companies to get managers who have a strict set of ethical rules to follow to operate a business. Companies who acquire managers should always remember this. They should also remember that to get the most competent manager, they should look for honesty and transparency. In the business world, honesty equals integrity. Managers who have a good reputation with credentials but bad record in integrity will be a red flag in your company.

Try to go for those candidates who can manifest their honesty in their previous work. The manager you hire should be able to showcase an example in their work history how they were able to show transparency and openness to everyone they worked with.

Hiring A New Manager? Here's The Must-Have Qualities To Look For

Communication Skills

It’s easy to know if the manager you hire is competent by simply looking for their ability to communicate. Assess their verbal skills and how they’re able to relay their ideas in writing. You should also look for a managerial candidate’s previous track record with handling communication issues at their former place of employment. Managers who can clearly communicate the goals, targets, and procedures of a company will provide a lot of growth to the workforce.

Great managers in the companies today will be able to make sure that everyone in the workforce is on the same page with the objectives. The great managers can verbally relay what needs to be done without intimidating or otherwise harming the people being managed.


It’s important for a manager to be able to make tough decisions. A business won’t thrive if managers won’t be able to make those hard-to-take shots that may make or break a company. You need your manager who understands that the buck always ends up stuck in their desk and it’s up to them to act on it with clarity and precision. It’s up for the manager to make sure that the decisions made will improve the company even at the price of some employee’s job.

You need a leader who can assess the various options that the company needs to improve. The company operates with about a million of decisions each day. A manager shares a large chunk of those decisions. If you hire an indecisive manager, you lose the speed and momentum that your business needs to prosper. It can’t be simpler than that. Without the right decision-making skills, your manager can even slow your company down.

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