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Venue Cafe: How to Keep Your Inventory in Rotation

When working in the food industry, stock rotation is a must. Keeping supplies fresh ensures that your customers are happy with your end products. Learning how to keep your inventory in rotation is fairly simple to do.

First in First Out Policy

At the very base of inventory rotation is the first in first out policy. This policy simply states that the supplies that come into your stock first should be the first supplies to leave your inventory. For example, let’s say you get a shipment of milk every day. The milk that was put into inventory yesterday should be used before the milk that was put into inventory today. This helps to reduce the likelihood of your supplies passing their expiration date before getting used.

Properly Train Employees

Your set inventory rotation practices are only as good as the employees that use them. If your employees just stock the shelves without paying attention to the first in first out policy, it can wreak havoc on your ability to properly maintain your inventory. Do yourself a favor and properly train all employees on your inventory rotation practices. Having regular refresher courses can also help to ensure that your inventory rotation practices are being properly followed.

Use Easy Inventory Racks

One of the easiest ways to ensure that your inventory gets rotated properly is to have easily accessible inventory racks. Employees are more likely to rotate the stock according to your practices when they don’t have to jump through hoops to do so. Most commercial refrigeration units allow access to the rear of the refrigerator where your employees can easily stock the new inventory following the first in first out policy. Use products like these to ensure that your inventory gets rotated regularly.

Check Inventory Levels Regularly

Since you’ll be using the first in first out policy, you’ll be able to see how fast a specific supply is going out of stock by checking the date on the product itself. When looking at the supply date, look at the date of the supply that is next to go out. This will tell you how long it typically takes for that item to be moved through your inventory. Products that have older dates can be an indication that you may need to decrease the level of stock that you keep. Products that have a very fresh date can signal that an increase in your stock level is needed to ensure you always have that product available.

Keeping your inventory fresh is especially important in the cafe business. Customers aren’t going to be coming back if they aren’t given quality food and beverages. By implementing the tactics above you can keep your inventory in rotation and your customers happy.