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10 Most Valuable Skills That Will Boost Your Salary To Six-Figure

Are you content with what you earn or would like to make more? We live in a very competitive world, and nowadays, it’s not enough to only have a degree. And if you are among those who wish to earn a six-figure salary, you may be on your way there, but how do you ensure that you are on the right path?

To reach your earning goals, as you look for writing a biography service, you will need to brush up on some job-skills that are in-demand. Having one or a combination of these skills, as you pursue opportunities to develop your career, will help you secure jobs that pay higher, as you progress in your career.

These skills include:

1. Project Management

Your ability to manage people is valuable, no matter the field you may be in. You can acquire this skill through experience, but it wouldn’t hurt to familiarize yourself with the different project management tools. From Asana to Basecamp.

There’s a high demand for managers who can use technology and apps to manage workflow, data, and teams. You can also boost your skills through non-technical aspects, e.g., through volunteer opportunities, attending leadership seminars, reading books on management, etc.

2. Website Design

Having basic coding skills can help you increase your earning potential. Expert designers don’t just write code; they first have to ensure that the site will be perfect for its users. And it is a valuable skill to master for those in development or marketing jobs.

It will help you work with the design team better.

3. Digital Marketing

It is the practice of marketing your services or products, using the internet. It encompasses various marketing techniques. It includes Search Engine Optimization (SEO), content marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, etc.

Research by Google and CEB shows that modern buyers can complete about 60% of the decision-making process in a purchase, independently. As many conduct their research online, business is looking for ways to guide a potential client, through digital marketing.

4. Financial Management

In financial management, you will need to have the mindset of an analyst. It involves planning the usage and management of a company’s finances. It helps the business to achieve its objective and ensure a positive ROI for stakeholders.

You could work towards getting certification as a financial planner or advisor. In some countries, you may need an accounting qualification first. Find out the requirements and systems that apply in your area, before embarking on this journey.

5. Software Development

When you find time away from your search for bio writer, you could try and learn about new software systems and technologies. It is essential for a career in software development.

A software developer can build and design software, using a particular programming language. You can start with the languages used widely, such as Python, Ruby on Rails, CMS, JavaScript, etc. You will also have a wide range of career options that you can choose, from, that are lucrative.

6. Time Management

Proper time management is necessary for efficiency at the job and avoiding stress. There’s no one optimal solution to it, and you, therefore, have to identify what works for you. You have to ensure that you plan for your day-to-day activities and also do some long-range planning.

That is, as you complete your daily tasks, you are also handling and keeping track of those that are coming up. You should also consider allocating specific times to working on the tasks at hand, even if it’s for your employee bio needs.

7. Crisis Management

For many businesses, crisis and emergencies are a part of their life. It is therefore vital to the success of a company to know how to manage a crisis. It’s not just natural disasters that may put a business in peril, other factors such as negative press, lawsuits, loss of clients and sometimes investors, can affect the company.

8. Negotiation

Effective negotiation may not come quickly to everyone. But there are different avenues which allow you to improve your skills. You may need to know how to ask the employer to pay you more, to get to the six-figure benchmark.

9. Creative Thinking

Companies are continually looking for fresh and unique ideas that they can implement. To hone your skills, you need to identify the area that allows you to produce a creative output. It may differ from one to another. And it will take a lot of practice.

10. Perseverance

No matter how bad you may want something, you may not achieve it right away. You may have to work some years before you get to a certain level of earning your desired salary. Stay true to the course.


As you work towards earning a six-figure salary, some skills could propel you in the right direction. Remember, it may not happen in an instant, but you should stay motivated on achieving your goals.