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How To Market Your Pet Supply Business Properly

Marketing your pet supply business can be the difference between achieving success or not.  Here’re some tips and tricks for effectively marketing your pet supply business.

  1. Create two clear and separate messages about your pet supply company: When you have a pet supply company there are two target markets that you need to penetrate pet parents and pet caregivers. Therefore is important to create marketing campaigns that address the different wants and needs of these two demographics. For example, you can create a newsletter that is geared toward veterinarians, groomers, and other pet care professionals. Simultaneously, you can create an email marketing campaign that speaks to the needs of pet parents.
  2. Think outside the box: As a new pet supply company, it is important for you to advertise in pet magazines and on pet related blogs. However, since the vast majority of pet parents are single women is also important to advertise in fitness and fashion magazines as well.
  3. Create cause marketing: When your business openly promotes for causes that are concerned animal welfare you show both pet caregivers and pet parents alike that your business is caring and responsible.  So, for example, setting up a drive where pet parents can donate toys and supplies to local animal shelters is a great way to help your local shelters and establish a relationship with pet parents in your local area.
  4. Create social media pages: Social media is the single most important marketing tool that any business can have. By being active on social media, you can humanize your business and interact with your client base. In addition to utilizing social media platforms like Pinterest and Instagram give clients a first-hand look at what products you offer in your store.

 Now that you know some tips and tricks for effectively marketing your pet supply business to be sure to employ these methods in order to grow your client base and bring traffic to your store. And to see an example of a thriving pet supply chain visit Petsmart Coupons.