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Factors To Consider When Choosing Banners To Use For Your Exhibition

Attending exhibitions or trade shows? This is your chance to put your brand out there and let more people know about it, as well as the products and services you offer. Like other companies, you are perhaps using banners for your exhibition stand. According to experts, it only takes 6 seconds for people to determine if they are interested in checking out your stand or not. Your banners will help in getting their attention, which is why it’s important that you choose them wisely. Here are some of the important factors to consider when doing this.

Think of a Catch Phrase

Come up with a catchy phrase or a short message that will immediately tell people what your brand is and what you have to offer. As mentioned, it will only take them a few seconds to decide if they will check you out or not. Coming up with a message that will spark their interest will give your stand a better chance of being visited by more people. The reason why it should be short is that too much text or information could make it look cluttered, which could affect the overall look of your banner. Plus, they might not be able to read everything easily.

Use Quality and Eye-catching Images and Colours

The majority of people are visual, which means they notice something more if it looks attractive. Before they even read the information written on your exhibition banners, the immediate thing that they will notice is its design. This is why the images and colours that you choose will play a huge part in the success of your exhibition. The images should be of high quality and must be related to your brand. The colours should also be lively, but keep it clean and professional. Again, keep your images minimal to avoid making it look too busy.

Choose Big and Readable Text

You want your banner to be visible even from afar so that even those who are at a distance will know about your brand. This can be done by choosing text that is big enough for that. Choose professional looking fonts that are easily readable as well.

Place Your Logo at the Top of the Banner

Note that people read from the top, then from left to right. Keep this in mind when deciding where to place your information and images and that includes your company name and logo. That being said, you should put your company logo and name at the top so that it will be the first thing that people will see and will stick in their minds when they look at your exhibition banners.

Avoid writing important information at the bottom of the banner, such as your contact details, because many people do not reach that part when reading banners.