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India: Most Popular Destination For Call Center Outsourcing

India: Most Popular Destination For Call Center Outsourcing

As a demographic, India has emerged as an important and most sought after destination that organizations looking to outsource their call center operations prefer. India’s reputability in the international call center community can be attributed to its quality and effective service and support provision. Although the call center industry arrived in India several years ago, it has drawn international attention since 2005. In the recent past, several organizations and multinational corporations have looked to either set up their call center establishments in India or outsource their call center operations to India.

The practice of outsourcing has benefited and proven advantageous for organizations on several fronts. While it has helped organizations generate more business revenue and profit, it has also enabled them to earn an impressive reputation in the commercial sector. Acquiring monetary earnings allows organizations to expand their operability in the market, through which they create more contacts and thereby expand their customer base; having more customers means more business, which is directly proportional to the success an organization earns. Therefore, if an organization is not able to generate enough revenue because of any reason – from providing poor and substandard service provision to having inadequate resources needed to supplement provision of quality support – it can have adverse effects. Maintaining a positive reputation is also empirical for any organization, as it is the name and reputability that an organization creates in the commercial space that customers rely on before deciding to invest their time and money. Through outsourcing, organizations also benefit on the front of risk sharing. While outsourcing allows organizations to transfer part of their services to third party external vendors, it allows the accountability associated with these tasks to be shared between the two. This allows organizations to focus more on core business activities like production and manufacturing of goods and identifying changes to be implemented in the business model for an enhanced provision of support and services and achievement of the highest levels of customer experience, satisfaction and retention. An organization should device strategies that enable it to achieve customer retention – because if it continuously and repeatedly keeps losing customers, it could negatively impact the workability of the organization.

Services of a call center India are known worldwide not only for their effectiveness, but also for the workforce they employ. The call center agents and executives that work in call centers in India are highly qualified, extremely skilful and adept in handling multiple customer calls with ease and effectiveness. Moreover, they are knowledgeable and well informed about the products they have been tasked to sell, which ensures customers that they are not being serviced by a workforce that has been either improperly or inadequately trained. Another attribute of limitless importance that every call center agent and/or executive should possess is eloquence. Call center agents and executives should be polite when interacting with customers, as customers should be made to feel comfortable while conveying their queries and concerns. If an organization, by offering service provision, is not able to make an impression on its customers, they could feel compelled to seek services elsewhere.

Services of a call center India provides are of several types. These services can be broadly categorized as inbound and outbound services. Inbound services are offered when customers call with their queries and concerns, and are seeking appropriate support regarding a product they are using or a service they are availing. Some of the types of inbound services include helpdesk, technical troubleshooting and inbound sales. Outbound services, on the other hand, are offered when call center agents and/or executives call customers to inform them about any new product that has been launched in the market, or a particular product they have been using that has been upgraded to include more features and facilities. A few types of outbound services are appointment scheduling, lead generation, telemarketing and market research and survey.

Other than an effective service provision and employment of dedicate and skilful workforce, Indian call centers are also known worldwide for the utilization of cutting edge and the latest technological tools, which allows an enhanced provision of support. This is supplemented by the use of backup systems, which ensure an uninterrupted stream of business operations – assuring organizations that their customers are being provided round-the-clock service provision, thereby helping them achieve the highest levels of customer experience, satisfaction and retention. India also shares an ideal time difference with the United States, which allows a continuous stream of business conduction, helping attain more revenue and profit.

India is an attractive destination for call center outsourcing. Through quality service provision, a dedicated, qualified and skilful workforce that is capable of handling several customer calls with efficiency, and utilization of cutting edge technology to ensure that the exact needs and requirements of the customers are fulfilled, India has been able to surpass some of the other Asian contenders – like China, Malaysia and the Philippines – in terms of call center service provision.