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Using Facebook Video Is An Excellent Option For B2B Marketers

Video is one of the most effective mediums for marketers looking to connect with their customers and Facebook is an excellent option. Studies have shown that Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are the three leading social channels used by B2B marketers. Unfortunately, when it come to Facebook promotion, B2B marketers are faced with many challenges unlike their B2C peers. Many B2B companies really feel they are at a disadvantage because it’s highly unlikely that content directed to businesses will go viral. That’s because the B2B sales cycle is longer because different audiences are in different buying stages all the time. Also, it’s top priority to maintain loyalty with current clients with videos that focus on how to make the most out of your product and/or service. In some cases, what you are selling, whether service or product, is just not that shiny and attractive. That said, the success of video marketing should not be taken off the table. There are plenty of ways to break into Facebook in a huge way. We asked some experts in marketing to share some of their tips:

Focus On Targeting

According to Alistair Dodds, the increasing circles, leveraging Facebook, and Instagram’s extensive set of targeting tools will help ensure B2B videos are sent to the right audience at the right time. Dodds said Facebook and Instagram’s platforms are ideal for engaging video campaigns. They use them for sequential retargeting where prospects see new explainer videos almost on a daily basis. This helps to build the brand story and will lead prospects through their sales funnel.

Understanding your audience is critical to avoid disconnects that could easily turn off potential buyers. B2B marketers should build a clear video strategy that works with the buyer’s journey before jumping into promotions.

In many cases, a lot of B2B companies offer continuing education for their clients via their videos but be sure to use the same videos to sell to new prospects. Disconnect means a business will not see an increase in sales because their audience will not be in the right stage to fully engage with your content.

In order to determine success and refine strategy, Dodds recommends split testing and focus on Facebook’s video engagement metrics to determine what type of content works best for different audiences.

One important element is retargeting prospects based on their engagement while viewing videos. As an example, they might not have signed up for your lead magnet but have watched over 50% of your initial video ad. In that case, your viewers are showing an interest in your product or service but may not be ready to sign up for your offer right now.

It might be worth your time to use a brand story video ad in order to increase your familiarity.

What Kind Of B2B Videos Work The Best On Facebook?

Once you have your audience down to a science, start focusing on producing the right content. You could put your customers under the spotlight through video testimonials which is a powerful way to validate your product and/or service.

A video testimonial speaks volumes because your customer loves your product or service so much they took the time to create a dedicated video just for you. That is a huge compliment to your company and is an incredibly powerful marketing tool!

Research from the software review site GE revealed that over 90% of B2B buyers are more than likely to purchase after reading an online review. It doesn’t matter if it’s an interview, live chat on social media, or a case study, videos that feature your customers can come across as very authentic and engaging to tell your product’s story and build trust with potential new customers.

Live video streaming stories on both Facebook and Instagram have other benefits for B2B companies, according to the founder of Shoo Social Media – Christ Morris.

Live video streaming is ideal for B2B companies that run events. You can easily draw in and engage your audience letting them know what is going on behind the scenes and triggers the fear of missing out.

Whether it’s a testimonial, video explainer, or a product video, it’s imperative your content stays true to your brand.

Staying authentic is important in order for B2B companies to stand out from the crowd, especially on Facebook

You should embrace videos in your own way and do not be afraid to get creative or even silly. B2B marketers think their videos must be professional and straight to the point. You should have fun and showcase your brand’s personality. You need to create something that will keep your audience coming back for more!

Showcasing your company culture is a great way to help build trust with your customers or to attract new customers.

According to Vicky Llerena, branding/marketing strategist Social Vibes Media, said she would subconsciously look to view a team dynamic because she would be working with them. She said to make sure to humanize your brand with team pictures, tam videos, bloopers, behind the scenes events, and content that showcases faces, not logos.

Facebook Videos For B2B Marketing

B2B marketers can have great success on Facebook. With the right targeting, content, and strategy, B2B marketer are actually in a great position to connect with audiences in a very significant way.

If you are new to creating videos you need to get with a company that has years of experience to help you get your video marketing off the grown and taking off on social media. As discussed earlier on in this post, you might want to consider Inovit and decide if they are a good option for your B2B marketing needs. Click Here to learn more!