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Tips For Successful Clinical Documentation Improvement

Health records in any health facility are the backbone of service provision. The service providers not only rely on the documents for patient care but also the proper running of the facility. The correct recording also increases efficiency and accuracy hence reduced cases of claim denials. It is, therefore, fitting to conclude that reliable documentation is the key to any health facility’s income.

With the knowledge on the importance of proper documentation, most facilities are taking up a clinical documentation improvement (CDI) program for more accurate recordings. The actual records also help in improving communication and collaboration among the service providers. It also helps in determining the exact status of the health facility.

Are you wondering about some of the ways to ensure successful CDI adoption in your facility? Here are some of the top tips to help you:

  1. Involve All the Stakeholders from the Start

The first step towards ensuring the success of the CDI is by making it inclusive of all the stakeholders, including the health service providers, patients, and the system managers. The patients must be willing to provide the right information that the service providers record on the improved systems. The systems managers, on the other hand, ensure proper operations.

  1. Hire an Excellent CDI Specialist

Understandably, you or any other person in your team do not understand how to use the CDI systems in the early stages. To help you through the onboarding, consider hiring CDI experts. Several CDI companies have tools and technical know-how on how to operate the systems. They will collaborate with your team to establish what works best for you. You can hire a specialist for a part-time or permanent basis.

  1. Make the CDI Patient-centered

Even though the CDI helps in several fronts, ensure that customer satisfaction tops your list. Once you have achieved customer satisfaction, every other thing will fall in place. The service providers and other stakeholders are also willing to embrace the CDI systems more if they are patient-centered.

  1. Train the Service Providers Regularly

The effectiveness of the CDI relies on how much the employees understand how to use it. To ensure the most effective application, keep the employees informed. Let them know of any changes or updates. You should also organize regular refresher courses for them to ensure they have the necessary skills. With time, once your employees have got everything, you might not need the outsourced specialist anymore.

  1. Invest in the Latest Technology

CDI is technology-driven; therefore, you cannot forego investing in the latest technology. Work with your systems management team to ensure regular updates and installing new software. Most of the latest systems come with revamped security measures. Using these systems protects you from malware attacks and unauthorized access to sensitive patient information.

In Conclusion

The precise way of improving your returns is by revamping your CDI. Work with a specialist to help you set up and integrate the system. Once you are set, ensure regular employee training and system updates. Ultimately, the whole CDI program must be patient-centric.