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What Information Do You Need At The Scene Of An Accident?

Though many people assume that documenting the scene of a car accident is the job of the police, there are steps you can take after an accident. It’s important to leave things as they are until the police arrive, but some things may help you get the compensation you deserve.

Evidence of the crash is one of the top priorities your attorney will look for after an accident. Documentation of such evidence is crucial.

Here are a few things you can do to gather evidence that won’t impact the police officers’ job:

The Other Driver’s Information: This is a must if possible. Obviously hit-and-run drivers don’t make this a possibility, but if the driver stays at the scene, this is key. While some people assume that you have to jot everything down by hand, the easiest thing to do if you’re hurried is to just take a few pictures with your phone. Take pictures of the driver’s insurance card, driver’s license, and license plate. Also, get their phone number.

Witnesses: If your accident occurred in a highly populated area and multiple people saw what happened, get their information. As with the other driver, get their name, address and phone number if possible. While this information may not be necessary in the long run, accident victims always want to error on the side of caution and have more evidence that they need.

Look at the scene: Don’t rely on your memory to serve you months and years down the line. Personal injury claims can take a long time to complete, and you want to have a clear picture of what happened. Try and note everything from the accident that could have contributed to it. It’s like a dream – if you wake up and remember something, jot it down. Weather conditions, road conditions, time, etc. may all come in handy down the line.

Use your phone camera: The smart phone can be a great tool after an accident. If your phone has sufficient storage, take pictures of any and everything after the accident. The area around the accident, the cars and the damage, etc. Do all angles as well – close up and far away. Everything you gather may help you. It might also be a good idea to take some videos afterwards if you’ve taken enough pictures.

If you’ve been injured in a car accident and believe someone else was at fault, contact an experienced car accident attorney today.