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Job Interview Questions About Salary Expectations: How To Answer It Rightly

Job Interview Questions About Salary Expectations: How To Answer It Rightly

Congratulations are in order, for having completed the first step of the job search process, successfully. You are now preparing for the Big Interview, and the vision of landing your dream job seems more plausible than before. A common question that an interviewee may have to address is the salary question.

On the one hand, you don’t want to sell yourself short. After all, you the years of training and investment to be where you are, shouldn’t go to waste. But you still don’t want to quote a figure too high, that the potential employer may not be able to offer you.

While you can deflect the question in your medical covering letter, some recruiters may insist on knowing your salary expectations. It is a rock and hard place for any candidate. We will help you understand how to respond to this question if it comes.

How to Answer to Salary Expectation Questions

• Be Prepared

When caught unaware you may give an unrealistic quote, either for you or the recruiter. So, it is ideal to prepare for the question, in the event, it is thrown at you. Research by talking to recruiters or bouncing off figures with people in your field.

Salary websites, on the other hand, may not provide accurate estimates. They don’t take into account that a specific job title may cover different responsibilities, or vary by geography and company. Use the data you garner, to come up with a range depending on your geographic area and level of experience.

• Know Your Worth

An essential part of every job is the salary you take back home. It is what will keep you motivated and maintain your happiness in doing your duties. Knowing your worth will guide you in demanding the right salary.

Do this by studying your resume and work profile. It has more details about you than a medical cover letter. Study the industry, market, and company that you are going for an interview. Understand the trends in the industry and identify the supply and demand for the skills you offer.

• Base the Range on the Market Value

It is common for people to base their salary expectations on their desires. The employers may see you as naïve if you do so. Find out what you are worth as per the market value. Look at the hard data, and base your desired salary, on that.

When asked about your expectations concerning your salary, ensure that the figure you give correlates with the market value.

• Positivity towards the Job

Well, we cannot deny that the package the company offers you, is of utmost importance. However, you have to show the recruiters that the opportunity and job profile, impresses you more than the package that comes with it. Demonstrate that money comes secondary to the job opportunity.

Your enthusiasm towards the job will impress the HR. Then, you can negotiate the offered package.

• Choose Your Range Carefully

If you are not happy with the lowest figure in a range, don’t mention it. It may be the amount offered to you. Don’t forget that the employer will take it that you are willing to work for that amount.

Also, employers refrain from giving you their range. You are likely only to hear the highest figure.

• Understand the Company and Its Salary Structure

Just as you would before drafting your director cover letter, do your homework about the company and how it pays. It is imperative to do your research if you are planning to give your time and sell your skills to a company. You can reach out to existing employees or look up their online information.

Tips for Negotiating


When the question of your salary expectation comes up in an interview, you can sell yourself and take back the pressure on the organization. Do so by showing confidence in your skills, and give them the opportunity to make you an offer that’s fair.