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How To Create A Positive Work Environment?

How To Create A Positive Work Environment?

In the present era, there are many factors that make an organization the target of job seekers. It could be because of its financial stability or its exceptional corporate social responsibility activities or the environment it offers to its workforce. With the increasing competition in the market, the stress level in the employees is also reaching a new height. Organizations have realized this and therefore are working towards the creation of a healthy positive work environment that enhances employee’s efficiency and productivity while culminating the stress.

 Enforce Positive Attitude

The major role in the enforcement of a positive environment is played by the attitude of the boss and colleagues. An attitude with which we report regularly on our workstation determines the environment we want to create. The tale of horror workplace experiences has been heard by all which are mainly due to bad managers. This stunts the development which makes employees adopt an arbitrary and defensive attitude. Therefore, it is crucial that one must model an attitude he wants to foster in the workplace. If we portray an encouraging attitude, we are likely to receive the same. Listen to the employees need and cater to them accordingly. Build a community that is based on respect, value, and pride and where every individual feels belonged to. A positive reinforcement helps in the creation of a positive workplace which ultimately increases the productivity.

Encouragement and Support

Most of the people believe that creating a healthy environment is the sole responsibility of HR, but it isn’t so. The manager is equally important. The organization should build a culture that motivates and supports the employees of bringing new initiative in a project. The more we see individuals in terms of their unseen potential, the more we can see them in fresh new ways each time we’re with them. This would make employees shape up and appreciate what they have. A culture where everyone is valuable is what makes a healthy workplace environment. One positive comment from the senior can boost the enthusiasm all week long.

Don’t Forget about Physical Work Environment

The physical work environment contributes equally to uplifting the environment of the organization. Usage of bright and vibrant colors makes the atmosphere lively and happening for employees. A green healthy plant, an accessible workstation that can be personalized according to the personality, comfortable chairs and lightning all play an important part in creating a lively fun environment.

Share a Laugh

This is one golden rule that can add colors to any grey workplace. The employees irrespective of their age group want to have some fun. Being able to enjoy what one does and the sense of being able to yourself at work is what makes your workplace enjoyable. A smile is contagious, therefore, simply saying hello with a smiling face augments to the positivity of the workplace. All we need sometimes is to get away from the seriousness of the business.


The little milestones achieved by the employees should be celebrated upon. These milestones could be an award, achievement, wins etc. The practice of cutting cake on birthday, that is popular in many coworking office spaces in Karachi, also helps in the formulation of a happy work environment. Catching up or initiating small talks on these occasions also helps connect the people of the firm at a personal level. This is the key to the long-term success of the organization which also increases the retention rate of the employees.


The flexibility in the workplace allows employees to create a balance in their professional and personal life. The 9-5 working hours that we are used to hearing are replaced. Employers now are adopting strategies that allow the individual to work flexibly and with ease. They could work for 10a.m-6p.m; 11a.m-8p.m and sometimes allow to work from home. Because having a rigid set of rules that are posted on every individual creates negative synergies. The creative energies that could result in tremendous, positive synergy are instead used to fight against the organization and become restraining forces to growth and productivity.

A greater chunk of our day is spent in the office; therefore, we should do our best to create a healthy peaceful environment. This could only result when organizations adopt motivational strategies where employees feel that they have cared for their services which ultimately encourage them to give their full-fledged effort and commitment to the task assigned. An organization is an interdependent institution which combines its efforts with the efforts of the others to achieve its greatest success. Therefore, it is the responsibility of a firm manager to create an environment that provides the employees with the dynamics and dimension necessary to achieve their goals.

Author Bio:

Hasan Shah is a well-known name in the Web designing industry. His masterpieces have been used by many of the designing students and neophyte in the industry as an inspiration. He is offering his services for last 8 years, He is currently working at web designing company and many of the big brands and industries are taking benefits of his professionalism.