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Building Collections in 2018

In 2018, the world is a stressful, worrying place. Whatever side of the political divide you stand on, you’re likely not happy, and the media can often seemed biased against what appears to be the simple straightforward truth. Wages are pinched, and don’t seem to be keeping up with the cost of living, let alone the cost of the odd luxury.

In a climate like this, we all need something that relaxes us: something that’s ours and that acts as a refuge from the world. Many people choose to build a collection of something they’re passionately invested in. Arranging it, adding to it, and tending it is a therapeutic experience, whether it’s a vinyl collection, a wine cellar, action figures, comic books or rare orchids.

Today we’re looking at exactly how making a collection can work in 2018, with all the advantages technology can bring.

Housing a Collection

The first thing you need for a collection is space. In the early days, if you’re putting together a collection of relatively small items you don’t need much space for it. One shelf, a single box, a corner of a room.

If you stick with it, though, you’ll soon find you need to create some dedicated space, not just to display your collection but also to keep secure and safe. Different materials have different needs: if you’re displaying art, whether it’s portraiture or comic book covers, you need to be aware of how light exposure can bleach the colours. Wine needs a temperature-controlled environment, and anything fragile needs to go behind a door you can close to avoid accidents.

This is where a storage company can help you. Your first option is to empty your spare room or garage and redecorate it to give your collection its own home – your never-unpacked boxes, unused furniture and other clutter can be packed away and the room turned over to a purpose that will see it used every day. If this is something that appeals, you could look into companies like byStored that offer collection and delivery into the bargain.

You could also find a local storage facility and hire a unit there to house your collection. Some offer specialised facilities that might offer a better bet than your own home if you’re trying to keep a collection of wine stable, for example.

Building a Collection

Sites like eBay and Amazon make building a collection easier and cheaper than ever before. It’s far easier to find a bargain online than by walking from shop to shop, and you can set triggers to alert you when items you’re looking for go on sale, tuned to particular price points to make sure your budget stays under control into the bargain!

It’s never been easier to start collecting, so why not begin today!