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Take Care Of Your Employees, and They’ll Take Care Of You

workers compensation

Human resources are the most important asset that any business has. This is why businesses which are keen on growing and achieving their objectives should take care of their employees. Workplace-related injuries not only affect the morale of workers but may also result in avoidable (and sometimes substantial) expenses such as compensation to workers who sustain injuries, lost productivity, medical expenses, legal expenses, and equipment repair.

Provide Protection Equipment

Depending on the nature of business operations, business owners should provide employees with the necessary protective equipment or require that employees purchase their own. Employees should also be taught how to use their equipment (ex: hard hats, goggles, ear muffs, safety shoes, gloves face protection, etc) properly. Management should take steps to strictly enforce the use of the protective equipment among employees. The importance of protective equipment should also be emphasized to new hires and during meetings.

Proactively Maintain and Replace Machinery

One of the major contributors to workplace-related injuries is defective or malfunctioning machines. In order to minimize the risk of such injuries, business owners should ensure that all machines are operating efficiently and safely. Employees may also be trained on how to detect and report problems, and how to safely repair them if appropriate.

Conduct Pre-Employment Screenings

Drugs and alcohol can undermine the physical and mental abilities of employees at the workplace. An employee who is dependent on these substances and reports to work while intoxicated will expose themselves and their colleagues to numerous risks. Pre-employment screenings will ensure that none of the employees has a history of drug abuse.

Keep the Workplace Clean and Orderly

Poor housekeeping can easily lead to slip and fall injuries, among other health and safety hazards. In order to ensure that the work area is clean and orderly, it is important to have clear footpath markings, clean all debris, wipe up spills, keep the area free of obstacles, and make sure that the space is well-lit.

Educate Employees

Developing a culture of safety at the workplace will go a long way in helping businesses to take care of their employees. The training sessions should cover topics such as the importance of safety at the workplace, ways of ensuring safety, how to use protective equipment, and what to do in case an injury does happen.

While steps can be taken to prevent injuries at the workplace, accidents may still happen. Aside from proper training and keeping first-aid kits in the premises, business owners can also glean valuable insights by seeking the advice of a personal injury lawyer.