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Simple and Efficient Way To Use Instagram For Marketing Your Business

Over the last couple of years, it has become imperative for businesses to have their own Instagram account. The numero uno photo-sharing app has emerged as a great platform to boost a company’s marketing campaign.

The growing popularity of Instagram among the marketers is a result of the efforts put by its developers. Instagram provides many tools that a company can use to ensure its marketing content reaches a greater number of audiences.

Gaining Followers

If you have ever used the mobile app, it must be clear to you how the application works. The post that you share is instantly visible on the home tab of the people who follow you. Hence, it is should be your first priority to gain Instagram followers in large numbers.

When you follow people on Instagram, there is a good chance that they will visit your profile. If they like what you do and are interested in your posts, it is very likely that they will follow you. There are a few websites which help you increase your followers in a few days, like

Post consistently

Once you start gaining followers, it is important that you keep posting on your profile. Brands that post more often tend to get more followers on Instagram. It is advised that you post around 3 photos per day. If you post something and people have liked it, it will be shown at the top of their feeds.

Sharing photos is important and if you do a proper research of the trending hashtags, your photo can feature on the “Search & Explore” tab of your followers. Instagram allows a maximum of 30 hashtags on one post. You must choose the hashtags that are relevant as well as trending.

Also, generate posts that people will like and share. It goes without saying that the quality of your content is of utmost importance. From content quality to image quality, everything is essential when it comes to generating a great post on Instagram.

Another good way to keep the number of your posts high is sharing user generated content. There are several good brands who take the best of the content available on the internet and share it, while providing the due credit to the creator of the content. This technique will not only give you high quality content, but will also make sure you retain your position on the Search & Explore tab.

Use the tools

There are several filters available on the app, using these will ensure the quality of your photos is good. You should select the filters carefully. Here are a few things that you should correct in a photo, using the filters available on the app:

  1. Higher exposure
  2. Warm Temperature
  3. High Contrast

According to researchers from Georgia Tech and Yahoo Labs, photos that are filtered correctly have 21% more chances of being viewed and 45% more chances of being commented.

Combine your marketing techniques

Combine your existing marketing techniques with Instagram marketing strategies. Host a photo contest and give away prizes to the winners. Ask them to create a good content and share their content on your page. Also tell them to use a hashtag so that this becomes a trend and more users can get to know about the contest. Make sure the contest continues for a long time.

Also, cross-promotion is a great technique that people use nowadays. Promote your other profiles from Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Foursquare. Make sure all your profiles are well-integrated.

These techniques have become very important and if you’re not using them, remember: your competitors are!