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How Facebook Ads Can Enhance Direct Mail Campaigns

If you want to improve your direct mail campaigns, you may find that taking advantage of Facebook ad through a multichannel marketing campaign can significantly help. Here are some ways to use Facebook to truly enhance your direct mail strategy.

Step 1: Prepare Direct Mail Data for Uploading to Facebook

If you make use of direct mail, the information you collect through it could be a valuable asset for marketing on Facebook as well. With the mailing data uploaded, you can automatically show Facebook ads to those recipients in your direct mail list who also happen to have a Facebook account.

To get started, prepare your mailing data for import into Ads Manager or Facebook Business Manager by creating a CSV file. The goal is to compile as much data as you possibly can, and Facebook allows you to target the audiences you want based on a number of factors.

These factors include email, phone number, first and last name, city, state or province, country, date of birth, age, zip code, and gender, along with a mobile adviser ID and Facebook app user ID. The more information you have, the better.

Step 2: Create a Custom Facebook Audience Based on the Collected Data

Once your mailing data CSV file is ready, you can use it to generate a custom audience to which to send your Facebook ads. In Facebook, you can open either Business Manager or Ads Manager, and then open the Audiences tool, which you can locate in the Frequently Used Column, or by clicking All Tools and then looking at Assets.

You can choose many aspects to fully customize the target audience based on the demographic information.

Step 3: Create a Landing Page Each for Direct Mail and Facebook Ads

If you’re combining direct mail campaigns with a Facebook ad campaign, you should set up individual landing pages for each. This way you can measure the response to both without getting confused.

You can always invest in a tool to create multiple landing pages such as Leadpages and Unbounce, which are both affordable and user-friendly.

Step 4: Coordinate the Timing of Facebook Ads and Direct Mail

It’s important to time the sequence of the mailer and subsequently Facebook ads. Once the mail reaches recipients, they need some time to respond or abandon, or have enough recall to encourage them to respond to your Facebook ads.

After you deliver mailers to the mailing facility, give recipients 1-2 weeks to respond or choose to ignore the campaign. Then you can start sending out your Facebook ads to them.

Step 5: Launch the Campaign and Continue to Monitor Its Performance

The last step to take is to finally switch your campaign on and monitor how each ad is performing based on click-through conversions. The larger your audience, the more you may find frequency to be difficult. You may find that you need to alter the budget, daily ad serving, or rotate creative on a regular basis.

Following all of these steps can help you on your way to a successful Facebook ad campaign that reinforces your direct mail.