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Boosting Productivity in the Office

Whether you love or hate your job, we all suffer from lagging productivity. Sometimes in the mornings coffee just doesn’t cut it and you have to dig deep to find that drive. If you have tried changing your attitude and environment to increase your productivity but are still struggling, there are some tips that you can follow. Read on for some strategies to keep you motivated and make your day more productive.

Power Hour: This is a great way to take charge of your morning, even if you don’t feel like working. If you dedicate the first hour that you’re in the office to getting the most things done, you will finish that hour with momentum. Don’t check your voicemail, email, or read blogs. Instead, get right to work and knock this hour out of the park.

Plan: Spending a few minutes at the beginning of each power hour to plan for your day is a great way to make sure that you control what you do all day. You’ll be focused and will love crossing things off of the list. Making your top three priorities the first things on your list to accomplish will help you stay focused.

Take Breaks: Schools understand that for children to be productive they need to have regular breaks throughout the day. The same thing is true for office works. Give yourself set times during the day when it doesn’t matter if your mind wanders. Allow yourself to enjoy a few minutes, then get back to work feeling refreshed.

Listen to Music: You don’t need to be listening to loud rock each day to stay pumped up. In fact, that can annoy your co-workers and put a damper on your productive mood. Instead, choose something relaxed that you can enjoy at a low volume.

Alternate Tasks: “Time chunking” is a great way to work your way through rote or repetitive tasks and ones that you enjoy. Limit the amount of time that you work on each task and rotate between them. Alternating fun and boring tasks will help you get through them quickly.

Stay Hydrated: Sitting and staring at a computer all day is a great way to get a headache. What a lot of people don’t realize is that being dehydrated can contribute to that pain. Keep a bottle of water at your desk and take sips regularly to make sure that you are healthy and pain free. Or better yet, suggest to your manager to add quality water coolers for the office.

Tame Your Email: If you rely on email to stay connected to others in your office then it’s smart to make sure that your inbox is organized. Use filters and folders to make sure that you can easily find what you are looking for. This is similar to having a clean desk and will have the same mental affects on you.

Take a Lunch Break: Make sure you don’t sit at your desk and eat your lunch. You may feel like you’re more productive, but actually taking a break will revitalize you and make you more able to focus when you get back. Enjoy a quick walk to get your blood flowing and keep your energy levels up through the rest of the day.

About the Author: Morris Edwards is a content writer at, he writes different topics like New Office Will Prepare Singapore for Increasingly-digital Society and How to Get Started With Online Business: 5 Great Ideas and all topics related to Singapore Business. Need information on setting up company in Singapore? Contact us or visit our website.


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