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5 OSHA Guidelines You (Probably) Didn’t Know About

Sifting through hundreds of OSHA safety regulations can be an overwhelming task. Workplace safety experts have selected five important guidelines that apply to small business owners. You will increase safety in your workplace when you follow these OSHA guidelines.

Slips and Falls in the Workplace

Employers must make sure that walking areas are safe for all workers. Slips and falls are the biggest workplace hazard for office workers. Every year, more than eight million people are treated for these types of injuries in emergency rooms. Slip and fall injuries constitute a large portion of worker’s compensation claims.

Hazardous Chemicals

Flammable and carcinogenic materials have to be properly labeled. Common cleaning products also need to be labeled. The label must communicate the dangers of each product, and employees must receive adequate training on the usage. Store similar hazardous products together in a locked storage cabinet. Flammable chemicals should be stored in flame-resistant containers. Containers should not be stored on the floor or on high shelves.

Temporary Structures

Scaffold accidents can injure construction workers and office employees. Temporary structures must have suspension ropes and proper connections. According to a recent study by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, 72 percent of scaffold accidents are caused by falling debris and structural failures.

Respiratory Protections

Respiratory protection regulations apply to all industries. Industrial workers can inhale paint, fog and toxic fumes. Office workers can inhale smoke, dust and cleaning sprays. The fumes can cause minor or severe health problems. Industrial workers need respiratory protection devices. Make sure that you have the correct safety signage in your workplace.

Electrical Wiring

Faulty electrical wiring can cause fires in the workplace. Fires damage thousands of commercial buildings every year. All companies need to make sure that their electrical wiring is compliant with OSHA standards. Wiring systems need regular maintenance. Managers should review the electrical wiring guidelines.

Small business owners need to stay updated on any changes to OSHA regulations. Managers can subscribe to OSHA’s newsletter. Since OSHA standards were implemented in the 1970’s, workplace deaths decreased from 14,000 per year to 4,000 per year. The regulations keep employees safe, and they give managers peace of mind. In addition to improving workplace safety, OSHA regulations help companies increase revenue. Workers are more productive, and they take fewer sick days.


OSHA Standards for Small Businesses

Workplace Falls

Dave Abels

Chemical Storage Guidelines