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10 Celebrities With Awkward Twitter Writing Habits

10 Celebrities With Awkward Twitter Writing Habits

Social media has been with us for years now. It is a platform to connect with old and new friends and also the chance to follow your all-time favorite celebrities. A glimpse into stars twitter habits proves that the only difference is it’s the vast following and money in their bank accounts, which separates us.

Well, just like us, we are all human, and man is to err. Be glad that if you make a subject-verb agreement check  error, you don’t have many eyes to bash you.

From ranting, showcasing their obnoxious ideas, to weird habits, the following celebrities give their followers quite a show:

1. Cher

Twitter is a microblogging platform. But for Cher, she seems to be having fun combining different words and letters that are presumably English, on her Twitter account. Her fondness for incorporating emojis to her text, only to make the message inappropriate, is wanting.

She probably should consider investing in a fragment corrector.

2. Chuck Grassley

A renowned Republican who opposes absenteeism to Obama care, his tweets are sometimes incomprehensible. It may seem like he goes to post on twitter when he is on a political rage. You may need a key to decipher his tweets.

3. Ed Miliband

You probably remember the blunder he made when commemorating Bob Holness. In his tweet, the ex-labor leader had a typo that stirred up twitter. He associated Bob with “Blackbusters” instead of Blockbusters.

4. Amanda Bynes

Known for her controversial tweets, Amanda Bynes takes to Twitter with a bang. From attacking other celebrities. If you can recall her infamous rant about Rihanna, she went to the extent of tweeting that Riri was beaten by Chris Brown, because she wasn’t pretty.

5. Kim Kardashian West

Even though many may adore her for her fashion, an error still receives backlash on social media. She went on Twitter to air her to address the discontinuance of her favorite foundation by Giorgio Armani only to misspell Giorgio to Georgio.

6. Mary J Blige

After posting a tweet about her acceptance to Howard University, controversy arose when the university refuted the claims. To appeal to her fans, she posted a tweet on her ‘intelligents,’ asking why people why trying to underestimate it.

She should have invested in a correct this sentence online, before posting though.

7. Dave Mathews

Though activity on his account ceased in 2010, we cannot miss to add him to the list. His incoherent tweets would make you wonder whether he was on medication. I bet he would give Jaden a run for his money. Jaden’s hip-hop career seems to be on the right track, though.

8. Chris Rock

A revered comedian but for all his wittiness, Chris can’t seem to find words to tweet. His account is a plethora of memes. On top of that, he ignores the copyright rules.

9. 50cent

Despite his accolades, 50cent can sometimes amaze in his twitter account. From posting controversial sentiments to acting like a crybaby on the internet.

10. Kanye West

We couldn’t conclude the list without Kanye West. He is known to get emotional over fonts when it comes to twitter fails.


It doesn’t matter whether the error was intentional or mistake. Bet it is true that the internet never forgets.

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