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Networking Tips That You May Not Know

If you are looking to boost your business, there is a great deal to be said for networking in the most effective manner. Some people take to networking very easily while other people struggle to deal with this sort of situation. Technically there is nothing difficult about networking, but many people feel strange or at odds with this sort of behaviour. There is also the fact that the pressures involved with networking, and the overall impact it can have on your business, means that some people are not able to be as fluid or as easy-going as they would like.

There are plenty of networking tips on offer, a quick search of the internet would provide you with a great starting point. However, this guide aims to run through some networking tips you may not know, which may allow you to feel more comfortable or relaxed when it comes to meeting new people and taking action that will boost your business.

Eat in advance of the event

While there is always likely to be food at a major business event, eating before the event can be of great help. It is difficult, and not to say a little bit rude, to try and talk when you are eating food. By eating in advance, you don’t have to focus on food so much, and this means that you will be free to engage in conversation.

Always bear in mind that food is a great enabler at these events, so by all means pick up a plate and place some nibbles on it but when you go around to meet people and engage them in conversation, don’t eat too much.

Make sure that you are Dressed appropriately

If you are attending a conference away from abroad or even abroad, such as the MIPIM event in Cannes, you may feel as though there is a more relaxed atmosphere. It can be good to relax and have some fun when you are away from home in a different environment but if you are attending an event to network, you need to make sure that you retain a professional image and identity. Far too many people decide to take a casual approach to their attire at these events and this can create a negative first impression. You shouldn’t need to be told about the importance of making a positive first impression, so this can be a very bad thing to do.

If you are looking to network with people, make sure that you are dressed in an appropriate manner. When you are looking to grow or improve your business, you’ll find that the small things matter and there is a lot to be said for the impression you create.

Don’t ask for Business

Okay, if you are looking to network, it is likely that you are keen to find business. This is also likely to be the case for many other people and businesses attending certain events. You may think that life would be a lot easier if people were more upfront and honest about asking for work and opportunities, but that is not the best way to operate. You should be looking to develop a relationship with new partners, and this means being more modest and restrained in your dealings. You’ll find that the long term benefits that come from developing a relationship and working with people will provide you with the best chance of achieving long term success.

Do not interrupt People engaged in deep conversation

While there is a need to meet people and say hello, you need to time your moments. It can be difficult to gain entry to a conversation, but you should always wait for a lull in the conversation. If you barge into the middle of a conversation, you will be deemed to be rude, and people will form a negative impression of you straight away. This can harm your chances of networking, so be patient.

Other tips to remember:

Attending an exhibition or event in Cannes is the perfect place to network. Cannes is the home of many major industry events and there are brilliant apartments on offer in Cannes. With a beautiful setting and stylish bars and restaurants, you can enjoy yourself when you are not working but when you are working, be sure to focus on networking effectively.

Andrew Reilly is a freelance writer with a focus on news stories and consumer interest articles. He has been writing professionally for 9 years but has been writing for as long as he can care to remember. When Andrew isn’t sat behind a laptop or researching a story, he will be found watching a gig or a game of football.